Saturday, July 14, 2007

Random thoughts on 1st posting!

I cant sleep! TOTALLY mad at DH(and it ain't dear) this AM! I wrote him a nasty gram so we'll see how it goes when he reads it. Oh well! Won't go into details or I will bust out bawling again! MEN! UGH!

Had a vegging day today! I do that now and then. Days I don't feel like getting up so I don't. Feels good to just lay here and be lazy! I did get alot of web surfing done and old emails cleared out tho so it wasnt a totally wasted day!
Have been trying for 3 days to get my doctor to call me and write me a new perscription for a new wheelchair! I have had this one 5 yrs now and it's needing some major over hauling and since Medicare hasn't bought one they said they would. YEAH ME! I think I am going to get a purdy purple one this time so when I join the Red Hatters I can dress in red and have my purple chair! Although I am pretty fond of the red one. Decisions decisions!
Well I am in the Amazing Race again this year with one of my fellow Home Team Members at 3Scrapateers! Amberlee Batchelor and I will be The Cowgirl DigiJunkies! I was in it last year and had a GREAT time. Won lots of prizes so am looking forward to another FUN year!!! Yeee Haw!!!

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